Why do I need lawn care?
Your lawn constitutes an enormous amount of plant life, which uses significant amounts of nutrients every year. In nature, soil nutrients are replenished in a number of ways including leaves, fallen trees and decaying plant material – all things that are continually stripped from your yard. Fertilization is necessary to replace those lost nutrients. Improved nutrition and protection from disease will markedly improve the health and appearance of your lawn. This enhances the attractiveness of your property and protects the sizable investment you have made in your home.
How often do you come?
The specific number of visits depends on the type of program you choose and the condition of your lawn. A typical number ranges from 5-7 times during the April – November growing season.
What exactly is organic lawn care?
Organic lawn care uses 100% organic materials on your property. A long terms benefit of organic fertilizers is that they build healthy soil. Think of organic fertilizers as building the soil while other fertilizers feed the plants.
What is the difference between organic and environmentally friendly?
Both types of treatments are environmentally friendly. The difference is twofold: Materials – environmentally friendly materials may be all natural while organic are 100% organic. Weed Treatment: Environmentally friendly programs can include treatments to suppress weeds – organic programs do not.
Why does my lawn get a “disease”?
Pathogens and fungi are always present in the environment and when conditions are right they become active. These conditions could be too much or too little moisture, temperatures etc.
Why don’t you create a “perfect” lawn with absolutely no weeds?
While this is technically possible on a practical level it is not. It would require extensive use of materials, a high frequency of being on site, great cost and would not be environmentally friendly.
What can I do about bare spots?
Bare spots occur for many reasons. The first thing to do is determine the issue – for example too much or too little sun, too wet too dry, pests or disease, high traffic, competing plant life etc. Once this is determined we can take remedial action.
How do I protect against grubs?
Grub control has to be done preemptively. If you suspect grubs are in your lawn we apply materials to control them.
How much water does my lawn need?
Your lawn needs an inch of water per week. It is important that when watering that the lawn is soaked to ensure that water gets to the roots. A heavy watering is better than a couple of light ones. If you are not sure how to measure the water amounts simply place an old Tupperware container on the lawn to see how much water collects.
Why shouldn’t I just spray when I see brown spots?
By the time you notice pests and disease a great deal of damage has already been done. Since we anticipate and pre-empt problems you can avoid that damage. We are also able to target treatments much more effectively. (Optional on Organic Programs)
Isn’t a customized plan more expensive?
Surprisingly, not always. The resulting efficiencies and reduction in waste often save you money
in the long run.