Many Contractors Face The Same Problem Every Year
“My crews got behind due to weather and it got worse when we took on installation projects. We’d delay our applications a week but a week became two then three. Then unhappy customers called about crabgrass, bugs, half eaten trees and all the rest.”
“Every year I lost customers who asked why their neighbors’ lawns looked better than theirs. Between scheduling, staff, equipment and licenses we realized trying to do it all was pulling us away from landscaping and mowing. It was costing us money.”
Over the years Lueders Environmental has worked with Contractors to provide the highest quality lawn care and plant care to their customers. We call this our Contractor Partner Program.
Partner Benefits
There are many reasons Contractors partner with Lueders to provide these services to their customers but most have come to the same conclusion — providing lawn care and plant care services as a small piece of their overall business is minimally profitable.
While it may at first be counter-intuitive many contractors find that they can actually make more money by outsourcing lawn and plant care and focusing on their specialty.
- Underutilized assets — specialized vehicles & equipment cost money when not being utilized everyday.
- Expensive training and licensing – isn’t cost effective when only used part of every month.
- Efficient use of manpower – workers who focus on what they do best get things done quicker.
Customer Satisfaction
- Mowing and maintenance are most visible so these always come first – in difficult weather years plant and lawn care can slide to the end of the priority list and contractors find themselves fighting problems vs. proactively dealing with them.
- Landscape installers make their money by building landscapes. Callbacks about dead or dying plants ruin profitability and hurt their reputation.
- Lueders is on-site regularly during the year to make sure lawns and plants thrive.
- When a homeowner’s property looks good you keep clients who might otherwise leave.
Protecting Installation Guarantees
- Our services ensure well-nourished plants that are free of disease and pests.
- Being on-site regularly means we can alert you to problems and prevent costly call-backs.
Redirecting Referrals
- Some of our partners’ contact with their clients is infrequent (e.g., landscape installation or pruning services) and those client’s forget who did what .
- We are on-site regularly so our staff can redirect them back to you when ready for their next project.
Knowledge Base
- Sometimes difficult growing conditions present challenges that a contractor does not have expertise with or the time to research.
- It is hard to maintain a staff that has expertise in everything.
- We are your external resource and can help you find solutions.
Here’s How The Program Works
- Tell us which of your customers will benefit from our lawn care and plant health care services.
- We go with you to analyze the needs of the property (or go alone if you have time constraints)
- The written evaluation and estimate goes to you, the homeowner or both at your option.
- As services are completed we bill you, or your customer as a referral, whichever you prefer.
Our entire professional staff is dedicated to unparalleled service that will reflect positively upon you. In addition, you will have a member of Lueders’ management team assigned directly to you for assistance. Our job is to make both your client’s property and your reputation be the envy of all. Partnering is a win-win situation.